
Welcome to liracer - the free and open source type racing game!

In liracer you compete against other players to type source code snippets the fastest.


If you wish to request a feature, report a bug or the-like please do so on the GitHub issue tracker You may also contact me, that is Olav Fosse, directly at .

Patches and PRs are welcome :^)


Why the name "liracer"?

The name "liracer" is a combination of "li", short for libre, and racer. The name is inspired by the free and open source chess platform lichess.

Which platforms does liracer support?

liracer is developed with Safari and Chrome on MacOS and Linux, but it is intended to work on all modern desktop browsers. liracer does not support mobile browser and adding support for them is not planned either. I might make a TUI(terminal/textual user interface) client at some point though.

Which licenses does liracer use?

JetBrains Mono(Copyright The JetBrains Mono Project Authors), the font of liracer, is licensed under the OFL1-1 license. The rest of the project, unless otherwise specified, is licensed under the AGPLv3 license.